1:1 Healing Session
I am an energy translator, translating different energies into information that helps removed limiting beliefs and will help anchor you into your highest timeline. It’s a particularly potent way to gain understanding and direction during transitional and emotionally challenging periods.
I work with your ancestors, your guides, higher self and teachers, angels, recently passed on loved ones, the akashic records and of course God.
I will be accessing the Akashic Records which is an energetic recording of everything that has ever happened, is happening, and could happen. They contain within them the story of your soul from it’s birth until now and all future possibilities.
With the records open I am also open to other energies coming through to give guidence as well.
In order to do this I bring myself into an elevated, expanded state of consciousness and allow the wisdom and guidance to come through for you. The information comes through as a knowing or remembering of all that is, has been, and could be. This allows us to transcend some of the limitations of our everyday level of consciousness, including beliefs, conditioning, expectations based on past experiences, and the ways in which we’ve grown accustomed to using our senses.
Ultimately the information that comes through will serve to empower you in your life, the decisions you make and bring you into alignment with your purpose. It is not about facts and fortune telling but the energy behind our choices, belief systems and personal power to create the lives that we desire and deserve. -
Consider what your intention is and what you’d like to explore. You can ask anything. I recommend not Googling ‘what to ask about in an Akashic Records reading’ and instead, tuning into your own heart and asking yourself what presently feels important, significant and relevant for you to explore. What do you spend your time thinking about and giving your energy to? Is there something you’d like greater clarity around? A circumstance that you’d like guidance on? Or an area in your life where you feel stuck?
I recommend giving yourself time beforehand to drop into a relaxed state. Create a quiet space where you will be undisturbed throughout our time together and free of distractions so that you can be fully present with the session.
Sessions are conducted in person or are shared via Zoom. If you are doing a remote session you’ll receive your Zoom link upon scheduling. It’s up to you whether you’d like to have a video Zoom call or audio only.
I look forward to spending this time with you and please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions in regards to our session.